1-year Membership

Akashic Business Elite

Spiritual Leadership Community


Spiritual Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Energy Healersand Lightworkers!

My long-term experiences working with people through their Akashic Records enable meto constantly download golden nuggets of Akashic Wisdom & Alignment, technology and tools from the Akashic Realm resulting in several sorts of energetic healings,energy alignment, cell energy actualizations, family harmonization and ancestral-energetic alignment in order to enhance divine consciousness through your Akashic Blueprint.

Are you the one who are or aspire to be a true impactful leader who is willing to boost manifestations and birth your heart desires, uplevel however, sometimes you are caught up by lack of clarity, self-doubts and uncertainities! You may sometimes feel demotivated and misaligned with the right strategies and inspired action plan or the right alignment in your energy system incongruence with your Truth and Soul blueprint.

I know you might feel things are not working vibrationally aligned as you expect.

Remember, you divine plan is magnificient.

It is all about energy. Consciousness is energy. You are a spiritual and energetic being. What you have to do is to tap into divine consciousness in your Akashic Records and set energetic congruence into the highest timelines of soul realizations, wealth and wisdom.


Your divine presence is the one who magnetizes your soul realizations.
Be fully aware of its Akashic Assets and how it impacts others!

That’s why I love working through the Akashic Records Realm. This spiritual container is avaliable 24/7. It’s the infinite resource of wisdom and wealth. It’s the database when accessed and we find out what is really feeding your limitations or the lack of aligned actions, what is holding you back from setting congruence in the energy system in your physical body. Also, it’s your unique container to uplevel into the nature of soul – pure divine consciousness, pure wealth, abundance, prosperity and love. Since you are aligned into its energetics, you build a powerful mindset of pure worthiness and wealth.

You know that your mind affects positively or negatively your whole energy body.

Everything births from your energetics. I do mean EVERYTHING.

A misaligned energy body affects your magnetism and your aligned power of attraction, creation and manifestation.

What’s been holding you back from consolidating your business/life and your phenomenal life & stepping up at the next level?

What is waiting for you as you embody the full potential of your Soul?

What if all of life comes to you with ease, joy and glory?

What if you choose to live aligned into divine consciousness in this humanness?

What if you laser focus on what you desire to create and manifest?

You are here on Earth right here right now for a Extraordinary Divine Plan. You are meant to be and feel abundant and prosperous in all areas of your life accomplishing your Soul Realization!

You’ve been prepared to show up your Uniqueness and to be in service for humanity boosting abundance, wealth, manifestations and love.

What’s in store for you is truly divine.

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Akashic Business
Elite Membership

Akashic Alignment Consciousness

Akashic Business Elite is The Akashic & Spiritual Community of Spiritual Leaders, Soulpreneurs & amazing people who desires to live the life of their dreams which aims to foster support, guidance, transformation, mentorship, education, energy alignment, energy healings and spiritual wisdom and practices and BE EDUCATED from the collective Akashic Records in order to birth aligned manifestations and build a solid & congruent business and life thru energetics, soul purpose, values, commitment and technology.

Akashic Business Eliteis your dependable and unwavering supporting system. Our mission is to guide, educate, empower, transform you into a true authentic leader linked with your Akashic tools and unique gifts.

Remember your life is your business and your business is your life. A 1-year membership plans which offer you a different monthly mentorship topics to be studied, immersed, healed, applied and embodied which aim to boost your transformation, growth, leadership skills, radiance, magnetism, a deeper sense of divinity and alignment into wealth.

You as a Global Leader of Light and a committed Soul who aims to help transform lives through the precious work that you can uniquely do!

Why this is for you now!


Expect these life-changing results as you go along the whole year!

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The Method:
Akashic Alignment Consciousness

The Akashic Alignment Consciousness Technology is an ongoing downloaded Akashic multidimensional template turned inner work method by Angela Cruz that supports you in healing & how to reclaim your Soul Sovereignty and Wealth Path.
Based on the energetic principle of the Infinite Source of Wisdom and Wealth of the Akashic Records and Embodiment, this model invites you into an extremely high level of self-healing, energetic self mastery and empowerment as you ready yourself for the very best life of your soul dreams.

Delight on some of the Topics
to be Addressed

1. Soul Purpose & Mission & Uniqueness

2. Healing Condidtioning Family Imprints (masculine + feminine)

3. Healing Money Wounds & Reclaiming Wealth

4. Overcoming Fears & Rejection and developing a deep sense of belonging

5. Akashic Inner child – healing childhood imprints from past experiences and soul retrieval and tuning into the pure divine consciousness child

6. Mastering your Expertise aligned into your Uniqueness and impact positively your business and life

7. Becoming a vibrational match with your heart desires and business goals

8. Living in sync with your inner guidance – Intuition and Divinity

9. A Leadership of Light: Divine-Oriented Leadership and your Business Path

10. Unleashig your Akashic Assets / Inner Resources and optimazing them towards your Soul Realization, business goals and messaging

11. Mastering your energy body & Magnetism

12. Speed up your manifestations

13. Building passive income

14. Developing leadership and speaking skills

15. Growing aligned connections

16. Refining your programs and offers

17. Expect much more


You receive in both silver ad gold memberships:

Expect much more.

Membership Program Investment

Design sem nome (87)

Silver key Membership

Today's Price: US$3100
(PIF -a year)

12 X US$299 a month

Design sem nome (90)

Gold key Membership

Today’s Price: US$4100
(PIF -a year)

12x US$399 a month

Book your free Wealth Clarity Call

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